Trips, Rates & Times for 2024
We are located at 205 E. Seventh St. US-10 in Evart, MI. Open Memorial Weekend 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open Full-time in July through Labor Day 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Open in June, in the fall, and outside of normal hours by reservation only. Note: We do not offer our longer trips on Sundays. Call 231-287-0008 for questions and reservations. For all of our trips you will be parking at 205 E. Seventh St. (US-10). At J&J's there are two options for your river trip: Scheduled or Anytime trips. All trips leaving from our location at US-10 (205 E. Seventh St) are Anytime Trips. Longer trips, leaving from Crawford Park are considered our Scheduled trips and can end at our US-10 (205 E. Seven St) location. For more information regarding these trips, please see the appropriate section below. |